Bat Week—Part 2: Salud to the Bats!

Fri, Oct 21, 2022
LIVE  at 3:00 PM ET / 2:00 PM CT / 1:00 PM MT / 12:00 PM PT

In advance of Bat Week (October 24-31), get a double Daily Dose of our nocturnal winged friends, today learning how vital they are to the creation of your next margarita. Consider this a toast to bats, led by Expedition Leader Melissa Silva. Join her for an insightful discussion about tequila production, the blue agave plant, mezcals in general, and why our little bat heroes are crucial to it all. These flying mammals are integral to the agave plant’s lifecycle, feeding on the nectar of the flowers and pollinating other plants. Today, we learn about various species of agave and why bats are key to the production of tequila, raicilla, bacanora, and other agave spirits in Mexico, not only benefiting the local environment but the country’s economy as well. Find out why you should seek out bat-friendly tequila and what that means. Melissa also shares what you can do at home to help protect bat populations because, in her words, “We take care of what we love, and we only love what we get to know.” Armed with this new knowledge, we promise your next margarita will taste even better!

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